PmWiki /
PmWiki supports internationalization (internationalisation) of web pages, allowing accented characters to appear in page names and almost complete customization of PmWiki's prompts. Most customization is provided via the XLPage() function in PmWiki, which loads a set of translation variables from a wiki page (typically named XLPage, but it can be named anything you wish).
Loading Translation PagesPages for many languages such as French, German, Dutch, and Spanish have already been created and maintained at the site. You can download an archive of these translations from Simply unpack the archive into the directory containing your pmwiki.php installation. The archive contains a number of page files that are placed in your wikilib.d/ directory, and some special scripts for translations that use a character set other than iso-8859-1 (PmWiki's default). Once the translation pages are installed, you enable a language by adding a call to XLPage() in your config.php file. For example, to select French language prompts, one would specifyXLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPage');
XLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPageLocal'); # my local translations XLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPage'); # from i18n.tgz <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit(); ##change to French language XLPage('fr','PmWikiFr.XLPage'); $xlpage = FmtPageName('$Group.XLPage', $pagename); if (PageExists($xlpage)) XLPage($xlpage, $xlpage); Creating New TranslationsIf language pages don't exist for your desired language, it's easy to create one! An XLPage translation file simply contains lines of the form'phrase' => 'translated phrase',
... ) in PmWiki's $...Fmt variables, and "translated phrase" is what should be printed in your particular language. For example, the line (in PmWikiFr.XLPage )
'SearchWiki' => 'Rechercher',
The term "i18n" is commonly used as an abbreviation for the English word "internationalization". The abbreviation is derived from the fact that there are 18 letters between the "i" and the final "n" and few people want to type them all out.
Tools for PmWiki LocalizationYou can help to localize PmWiki in your language in the original site: << Uploads administration | DocumentationIndex | Wiki Farms >> |